Guided birding expedition by Carroll County Conservation Board, Raccoon River Watershed Association(RRWA), and Iowa Ornithological Union (IOU).
Public is invited
Location: Dunbar Slough located on border of Greene and Carroll Counties
Date: Saturday, April 30, 2022
Time: 8-12 AM
Program leader: Matt Wetrich
Start location: Bridge on 270 which is .1 miles east of N58. Also named A Avenue and Apple Avenue. It is between E 53 and E57.
Activity includes stopping at different sites to learn bird identification and facts of birds stopping in their migration.
Nature photographer and naturalist, Matt Wetrich has been head-over-heels into birding for over 25 years. Dunbar Slough Wildlife Areas has been his adopted “patch” since moving to Jefferson more than a decade ago. Of the 285 species that have been recorded in Greene County, some 80% have been detected in the Dunbar Slough complex.
Bring your binoculars/Camera and birding excitement!