Wednesday, November 17, 2021 5:00 pm-- COCKTAIL RECEPTION ~ CASH BAR 5:30 pm--WELCOME ~ DOUG POOCH, PRESIDENT, DES MOINES IKES 5:35 pm –-IOWA’S FUTURE ~ PAT BODDY, CHRISTINE CURRY, CORNELIA FLORA, BOB RILEY, and NEIL HAMILTON 6:00 pm--DINNER 6:45 PM--KEYNOTE ADDRESS ~ ART CULLEN 7:15 PM--SOCIAL HOUR LOCATION: Izaak Walton League - 4343 George Flagg Pkwy, DM, IA Dinner Fee: $50 per person ($350 per table of 8). Menu Choices: Roast Beef with Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans and Salad or Vegetarian Pasta w/Alfredo and Salad.
SEATING IS LIMITED SO RSVP NOW! Proceeds go to the Ike’s Upper Mississippi River Initiative.
Contact: christineanncurry@gmail.com 207-460-7532. Or mikedelaney1@mac.com 515-339-0438
Please make checks payable to “Panora Conservation Chapter” and mail to: Panora Conservation Chapter, c/o Steve Roe, 6380 Panorama Drive, Panora IA 50216 COVID-19 Protocols will be honored.