The RRWA supports relevant research in the watershed through their annual grant, promotion and partnerships. Since 2010 the RRWA has given out nearly $30,000 in grants. Research findings are presented at the annual “Life in the Raccoon” conference. All contributions to the RRWA Research Fund are tax deductible.
“Investigations of the Raccoon River” – Todd A. Wical/Dr. Melinda Coogan, BVU, 2009
“Development and Implementation of a Volunteer Wetland Assessment Protocol” - Sydney Snyder/Dr. Melinda Coogan, BVU, 2009
“Potential Nutrient Effects on Dragonfly/Damselfly Population Dynamics in the Raccoon River Watershed” – Elizabeth McIntyre/Dr. Melinda Coogan, BVU 2011
Data/report(?) of Outlet Creek data for NRCS. MRBI grant – Dr. Melinda Coogan, 3/3/12
“Indicators of Biological Integrity in the North Raccoon River, Greene County, Iowa” – Rupiper/Summerville, Drake U (impacts on BMIs from 9/12 oil spill near Jefferson), 3/14
“Macroinvertebrate bacterial resistance to triclosan at the Outlet Creek (IA) WWTP outfall and potential for downstream resistance migration.” – Ethan Wilson and Alex Schriber, BVU, 3/15
“The Effects of Land Use and Land Cover on Benthic Macroinvertebrates in the Raccoon River” – Reynolds, Drake U. 3/15
Survey of Milkweed Populations and Monarchs at Dunbar Slough State Wildlife Management Area, Greene County – Rosberg, Drake U. 2016
BMI Study in the Raccoon River – Brodeck, Drake U. 2016
Seasonal nutrient load and nitrate loss in the lower Raccoon River watershed – VanDooren/Dr, Peter Levi, Drake U, 2017
Monarch populations and habitat in the Raccoon River Watershed – Aurand/ Dr. Thomas Rosburg, Drake U., 2017
“Soil nesting site effects on native bee communities in existing CRP contour buffer and filter strips” – Mackert/Dr. Mary Harris, ISU, 2018
Inputs of nutrients and sediment from sub-watersheds of the Raccoon River” – VanDooren and Anderson/Dr. Peter Levi, Drake U. 2018
1. Effects of farm field and margin management in intensive agricultural landscapes – Adam P. Dixon, U. of Maryland
2. Cattails and Associated Invertebrates of Raccoon River Watershed Wetlands - Paul Weihe/Anna Shapiro, Central College, Pella, Iowa.
3. Bacterial and viral indicators of water quality in the lower Raccoon River Watershed - Peter Levi/Taylor Vroman, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
4. Tipton Prairie floristic studies – Tom Rosburg, Drake U.